Week 15 Post 1

 Some of the Google Analytics features that I think would be most helpful to my freelance business are proactive insights, audience demographics, audience reports, and acquisition and behavior reports.

  Since currently all of my business is either repeat business or word of mouth, I haven't spent any time studying how people interface with my website or which people are coming across it. I'm not even sure how many of my clients have actually taken the time to view my site, as most of them come to me after being recommended by a friend or colleague. But if I am going to delve into the world of advertising, I think that the analytics features mentioned above would be good to begin with. It would be helpful to know who I'm reaching with my ads (audience demographics and reports), how people are finding my site (acquisition reports) and interacting with it once they've found it (behavior reports) and how I can stay ahead of the game with my social media and advertising (proactive insights).


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