Week 10, Post 1

  Adding human interest to a blog is an excellent thing to consider doing. Finding a story or an element that people can relate to generates a connection between your blog and your readers, and creates a bigger meaning around your business. If you can bring positive, inspiring, sentimental, nostalgic or empowering emotions to your readers, there's a good chance that that feeling will remain with them as a subconscious association with your business henceforth.
  Recently I saw a music video that made me cry. It was a narrative about a girl and her dog, and all the love that the dog brought to her life before he died. This narrative was not what the song is about. One of the artists who collaborated on the song had recently lost his dog, so this video is apparently a dedication and tribute to the dog.
 Theirs is not music that I normally listen to, but I am far more interested in listening to it now because the video moved me to such strong emotions. It made me feel connected to them because I can relate, as a fellow dog owner whose dog is very beloved by her. And because it made a strong impression, I am telling you about it now...and you may very well end up telling someone else.
    The human connection is powerful and something that everyone needs in their life. Why not use a blog to foster more of it and create community around your business?


  1. Hi Shana!
    I agree that the human connection is powerful. I believe when you can relate to someone in certain ways it creates a level of acceptance and respect . When a business does this it creates a certain level of trust and it really helps engage with the customers.

  2. Absolutely right regarding a story. I like the choice of emotions you used for appeal, some I did not consider and are really good, nostalgia for example.


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