Week 8 Post 1

  My business being photography, visuals are obviously a non-negotiable for my social media networks. I currently have a Facebook page but I don't really engage with it. I don't like how anyone can download your images from Facebook and Facebook has rights to them after you publish them on their site. The same is true for Instagram, as I understand it, but to my knowledge people cannot download your images from Instagram, although they can share them. But sharing is the point. So I do have an Instagram account for my photography, but I am not very confident about the best way to go about using it (thus, my enrollment in this class). I have 285 followers but am following 584 accounts, which seems backwards. I use hashtags that are relevant to the subject matter as well as to photography itself. For instance, I shot the Supergirl Pro surf tournament for a local newspaper and used tags such as #surfergirl, #agility, #strength, #surfing, etc. and then I tagged the surfers, sponsors, the paper and the tournament itself. I don't post very often, because I only want to share the sort of things I want to keep shooting, and I am often hired to shoot things I don't want to shoot again. I know that consistency is important, but I admit I struggle with this. My Instagram handle is @soulvoyagerstudios.
   I also have a YouTube channel, but I mainly use that for hosting the videos to link to my website or to share in an email. I have not been utilizing it to its full potential, but I probably should, considering the fact that I am regularly hired to create short videos. Right now I have an account in my personal name and have not created one specifically for business. I am inspired to do so now after watching the video we were assigned in class!
   I have yet to venture into the world of SnapChat at all, and I do have a Twitter account but have never posted anything using it. I did post things for my former employer's account, though, and always used photos or videos when doing so. I think that Twitter would probably be a good option for a photography business, to help it stay relevant and a part of the conversation with potential clients and peers.


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