Week 11, Post 1

 During this class I have been experimenting with social media for two different businesses: my actual freelance photography business and a hypothetical nonprofit retreat center. For this assignment, I will be creating a mock newsletter for the hypothetical business. If I had this business up and running, I think I would send a newsletter once a month. That would give me more time between each one to come up with content that was actually interesting and not fluff, and would also be helpful in promoting monthly events. Content ideas that I think customers of that business would enjoy would be:

 Monthly events happening at the retreat center
 Humanitarian news related to refugees, since that's who the nonprofit would be supporting
 Holistic wellness trends, since that's what the retreat center would be based on
 Travel news/trends, since the customers of the retreat center would likely be avid travelers
 Updates on how the nonprofit's work with the refugees was going

  I am on a lot of email lists, and I usually delete the emails I receive before even opening them. Sometimes I will open them, if the subject line has a promotion or is talking about an issue I really care about. I get emails from a magazine I used to subscribe to, and it will have a list of trending stories in their magazine. Sometimes I click on that to see what they're reporting on. I think that one is more likely to get me to click because it gives me a choice of what I want to read about by sending me a list of clickable stories.


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